What the Customers Say

"Happy customer. I bought the Waffle Cone planter and love it.  The artistry and workmanship is beautiful.  It is going to look wonderful on my front porch with fresh spring flowers.  Buying from small business owners is just a plus."

Mauri L.

"Having taught with Dan Mills professionally and being aware of his excellent work ethic, I was anxious to take a look at his new project because I was certain that the craftsmanship would be incredible.  He did NOT disappoint!

I purchased a Sweet Petite planter to give to my sister at Christmas, but after I got it home, my husband would not let us part with it! It is so well made and the material is beautiful.  I cannot wait to get flowers in it this spring.  It will have a place of prominence on my porch.

Thank you, Dan, for my gorgeous new planter!"

Ginger H.

(apologies to my sister)

"I chose the beautiful design of the Herb Appeal from Dan for my planter box. The craftsmanship is fantastic and solid. I want to grow tomato plants this spring and enjoy the fruits of my labor, literally. This particular box is just the right size and depth which can easily be moved as needed for shade this summer. I am so excited to start growing my own tomatoes."

Karen C.

When I brought home a Make Somebody Happy planter from Dan Mills' shop, my wife's immediate response was, "Why didn't you buy two? One for each side of the house?"

"We both immediately fell in love with the beauty of the yellow pine as well as the craftsmanship that went into the boxes themselves. Now, we have pansies that show these boxes off...couldn't be more pleased.

Thanks, Dan!"

Dennis S.

"We have one of Dan's larger units sitting on the patio. It is a very sturdy build and quite heavy when full of dirt and the colorful plants my wife has filled it with, so Dan developed some "leggings" for his larger models to address the weight issue. They're like little booties with casters for custom wood planters and really look quite nice! Based on the build quality I expect this thing to last a lot longer than I do. If you're one of those folks that guides their purchase decisions by the old mantra, "you get what you pay for", then you definitely want to get an original, "Dan"."

Phillip C.

'I wanted something small and practical for my townhome space to grow herbs. This incredible planter perfectly fit my space and needs. Dan custom stained it for me based on my preferences and made sure I was completely satisfied. His attention to detail, care, and passion for his work shows with the extraordinary craftsmanship! I highly recommend!!' 

Kip Rodgers, LPC-S